Fenomana baru menjanjikan kita menjadi seorang jutawan bahkan milyuner mulai merebak belakangan ini.Permainan mata uang Dinar Irak/Iraqi Dinar (IQD) yang menjadi buruan para pencari harta karun dadakan ini. Apakah ini sebuah penipuan besar atau memang ini solusi untuk cepat menjadi orang kaya? Kami akan mengungkapkan fakta-fakta investasi ini dan Insya Allah tidak ada "cover up".
Apa yang kami ungkapkan disini semata-mata memberikan sebuah gambaran agar anda yang ingin berinvestasi Dinar Irak/Iraqi Dinar tidak merasa ditipu dan dibohongi. Setelah anda baca, semua keputusan ada ditangan anda. Banyak spekulan yang memborong mata uang Dinar Irak/Iraqi Dinar (IQD) contohnya IQD 5000 dengan harapan di beberapa tahun mendatang menjadi Rp. 46.000.000,-. Sesuatu yang menggiurkan bukan?
Ketika pertama kami mendengar tentang Dinar Irak,kami merasa skeptis dengan hal ini akan tetapi dilain sisi kami juga bertanya-tanya "apakah ini kesempatan yang tidak bisa dilewatkan? or maybe its the gate to an early retirement?"

Selasa, 11 September 2007


Dinar - The Fakes!
We provide you with information and resources to help buy Iraqi Dinar Safely. There are a ton of shady sites offering to sell you Dinar's below market price, the catch is many are fake!
Counterfeit Dinars are big business and you need to know how to spot fake dinars.
We have some great pictures of the Iraqi Dinar, seals, watermarks and more. We'll explain how anyone can review their currency and verify dinar authenticity.
Iraqi Dinar - Facts
The old dinars with the picture of Suddam are not the money you want to purchase and invest in. It's the
new Iraqi Dinar issued by the Central Bank of Iraqi on October 15, 2003 that investors are buying. Dinar denominations of 50, 250, 1000, 5000, 10000, & 25000 are available.
These new dinars printed by De La Rue, contain some of the most up-to-date anti-counterfeit features, including watermarks, a security thread, raised letters, an optical variable ink and other variations to thwart off counterfeiters.
Buy Iraqi Dinar - Legal?
There is a lot of controversy over buying Iraqi Dinars. Presidential Order 13303 allows US Citizens to invest in the New Iraq. Under this Order and the Coalition Provisional Government Order 39, a US citizen has the same rights to investments as an Iraqi citizen.
In other words, people looking to invest in the Iraqi Dinar are no longer faced with restrictions.
Iraqi Dinar - Worth It?
Investing in the Dinar is a BIG gamble, no question. When you buy Dinar, you're gambling that the government in Iraq will pull together and start profiting from its rich oil resources. If it does, then your investment could pay off in proportion to the Iraqi dinar investment - that is a BIG IF!
It has always been the economic prospects for a country that will determine future currency values, not the current or historical trading price. Right now, everyone seems to be selling or buying dinars and there is money to be made doing so, but it's a big gamble as a long term investment.
How Much To Pay for the New Iraqi Dinar
Exactly how much should you pay for the new Iraqi dinar? What is the mark up you can expect? All that information can be found at this page dedicated to those that want to
buy Iraqi dinars.
Right now, you'll find prices ranging from $680 to $1,200 for 1 million worth of Iraqi Dinar Why the broad range in dinar price? Some sellers don't include shipping costs, insurance or other fees in their initial price.
Others will sell you the dinar, but use smaller bills with many being heavily worn or damaged - Many banks will not accept Iraqi Dinar that is in poor or damaged condition; unscrupulous dealers purchase these damaged dinars for next to nothing, then insert them into a good batch and sell Dinars for less than average.
Iraqi Dinar Exchange Rate
Use our
Iraqi Dinar Exchange Rate tool to help find out exactly how much you should be paying for your Dinar. It's easy to use, just enter the amount of Iraqi Dinar you want to buy, then select Iraqi Dinar to US Dollar and click convert.
If you are paying more than the Dinar Exchange Rate plus a little for shipping, you are paying too much! Our exchange rate calulator also works for any other currency as well, a very handy tool for currency trading!
Where to Buy Dinar
You'll find a ton of useful information on this site. Read, learn and understand the true risks of the Iraqi Dinar. If you don't want to look around and spend time compiling information about the Dinar, then get the ebook - it gets right to the point and covers all the bases in of buying Iraq Money.

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